This Crazy Life, Wolfdreams...

Moonlight Diamond Benedictions, Beauty, and Magick

Pull up a chair, my tribe, and I'll tell you a story, of the Before Times, which I rarely speak of - of my life before illness, which was an unusual one by anyone's standards. It is a bitterly cold night here on the Mountain, 8 degrees and snowy, and gazing at that snow, so… Continue reading Moonlight Diamond Benedictions, Beauty, and Magick

This Crazy Life, Wolfdreams...

In Memorium: My Father’s Passing

Today my father, Joseph L. Collins, passed away, but just moments before he did, I had a great and rare blessing, and I would like to share it with you. My father was 84, and had been in the hospital a week, before being moved to rehab. However, he took a sudden turn for the… Continue reading In Memorium: My Father’s Passing

This Crazy Life

The Space Of A Heartbeat

There are some moments that stay frozen in time, frozen in my memory. Moments when everything changed, in the space of a heartbeat: Virginia Beach, 1999. Rhiannon was 4. We were playing in the waves, standing in hip deep water; I was holding her while the waves came in and broke on us. Laughing, giggling.… Continue reading The Space Of A Heartbeat

Furry Family, Wolfdreams...


This is Cherokee. She was a Standardbred mare, tried on the track but too slow. One of the lucky ones - sold rather than simply put down for the "crime" of being too slow. This is my favorite picture of she & I, even though she doesn't look terribly attractive in it. No, it's a… Continue reading Cherokee

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

“Now why don’t she write?” – July Events

Bet you're wondering "Now why don't she write?" (obscure reference to Dances with Wolves...) Well, because it's been a really excruciatingly painful, odd, weird, interesting, frightening, and ultimately enlightening, month. I managed not to die of an aneurysm. Not to have a stroke. And not to have a heart attack. I figured out what was… Continue reading “Now why don’t she write?” – July Events

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

A rollercoaster

That's what it is - a rollercoaster. Even slow, deliberate, willing narcotic withdrawal is a rollercoaster. Sleep for days, then insomnia every night all night. Awake until dawn. Hungry at 5 am, this morning I made food. You don't know how profound a statement that is. It was only a sandwich. But I can't remember… Continue reading A rollercoaster