Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

Counting the Blessings of 2010

This Christmas Eve, I'm counting my blessings - these are the gifts I've received this year: My mother became very ill, but is thankfully recovered from her two hospitalizations and surgery, and is getting her heart issues sorted out. I'd be lost without her, so I'm so glad she's still around! And, in the process… Continue reading Counting the Blessings of 2010

Health & ME/CFS, Venting!

RANT: Completely, Totally, UNACCEPTABLE!

(Note: this post is about my discontinuation of methadone, which I was put on for relief of chronic pain. For more info, you can read this blog post.) RANT WARNING: This stupid, goddamned methadone withdrawal thing is completely, totally, UNACCEPTABLE!!! My body is fighting tooth and nail for this last little bit - it's ridiculous!… Continue reading RANT: Completely, Totally, UNACCEPTABLE!

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

“Now why don’t she write?” – July Events

Bet you're wondering "Now why don't she write?" (obscure reference to Dances with Wolves...) Well, because it's been a really excruciatingly painful, odd, weird, interesting, frightening, and ultimately enlightening, month. I managed not to die of an aneurysm. Not to have a stroke. And not to have a heart attack. I figured out what was… Continue reading “Now why don’t she write?” – July Events

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

The Good, the Bad… the Ugly

Can't believe it's been so long since I posted! Rough past month... Dart's passing; then a week later the granddogs coming to stay for two weeks... and, continuing to reduce my pain meds. That's going well I guess, all things considered. The Good: I started on opiates for pain many years ago, first with oxycodone,… Continue reading The Good, the Bad… the Ugly

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

A rollercoaster

That's what it is - a rollercoaster. Even slow, deliberate, willing narcotic withdrawal is a rollercoaster. Sleep for days, then insomnia every night all night. Awake until dawn. Hungry at 5 am, this morning I made food. You don't know how profound a statement that is. It was only a sandwich. But I can't remember… Continue reading A rollercoaster

Health & ME/CFS

Dr. Visit of 2/22/10 – Pain Meds

Boring - this post is going to be boring. And very long. Anyway... It seems everyone is in consensus - neurologist, primary care doc, the sleep doc at the Sleep Lab at the hospital, and even my pain management doctor in his last recommendations. Since I'm basically dying multiple times every night (see Sleep Study), … Continue reading Dr. Visit of 2/22/10 – Pain Meds