Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

Lightbulb Moments: Topamax, Meds, Starvation and Adrenal Issues

The past few days have seen two important "lightbulb" moments happen for me, which I'm sharing here because I know many of my fellow patients are facing similar problems and on similar meds... The ER Visit The Wasn't: Late yesterday afternoon, I started feeling decidely "off," even for me. I was brewing a hormonal migraine,… Continue reading Lightbulb Moments: Topamax, Meds, Starvation and Adrenal Issues

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines, This Crazy Life


For some time now, since the "protein wasting," also called muscle wasting, and unintentional, major weight loss started, two years ago or so, we've been refering to my overall health status as "precariously balanced." When I say "we," I don't just mean Rhiannon & I, but also, my doctors. We are a team, working collaboratively… Continue reading Teetering

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

And Then, Everything Changed, Part 1

The last 6 weeks or so have seen some massive changes happen in my life, some for the better, some for the (much) worse. I had planned a nice long post detailing the adrenal exhaustion, stage 3, I was diagnosed with, and how that is so common in my fellow ME/CFS patients, but since I'm… Continue reading And Then, Everything Changed, Part 1

Health & ME/CFS

How Did This Happen?

Each day, I wake up & it's the same, always the same: Make tea. Eat a Larabar or Luna Bar. Must have padding in there. For what's to come. The meds, and there are so many of them. They're sneaky. You start out with just one, but then over time, more get added: Lyrica:  Big-Pharma's… Continue reading How Did This Happen?

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines, Venting!

Doctors Who Want Power Over

So I saw my neurologist yesterday. It was interesting. I've never liked her. I like her even less now. I was scheduled to just get an Occipital Nerve Block (ONB), which is injections into the back of the head and side of the neck with a local anesthetic and a type of cortisone called betamethasone.… Continue reading Doctors Who Want Power Over

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

“Now why don’t she write?” – July Events

Bet you're wondering "Now why don't she write?" (obscure reference to Dances with Wolves...) Well, because it's been a really excruciatingly painful, odd, weird, interesting, frightening, and ultimately enlightening, month. I managed not to die of an aneurysm. Not to have a stroke. And not to have a heart attack. I figured out what was… Continue reading “Now why don’t she write?” – July Events