Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

The Song In My Bones (Dealing With Pain)

There is a Wisdom, Buried deep in my bones, A Gift, Passed down to me, From Ancestors of Old. Today we call it a curse, And fight and rail, We give it names, Arthritis and Migraine, And call the wild Wisdom, By another name: Pain. But, is it, really, Just the song my bones knows?… Continue reading The Song In My Bones (Dealing With Pain)

Furry Family, Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

15 Years: Time, Memory, Remembering, Forgetting, and Stupidity

It's funny, what I forget, even now, after so long being sick. Sometimes, in my mind, I am still strong & healthy, as if time simply stopped passing when I became ill. Sometimes, it really feels that way, as if time did stop, and there is only The Before Times and a giant blur that… Continue reading 15 Years: Time, Memory, Remembering, Forgetting, and Stupidity

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

Forgotten Dreams & Finding Myself Again

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” ― Thomas Merton, "No Man Is an Island" Recently, I've come to realize (again) just how much being chronically ill has stolen from me, and not just in the obvious physical sense. Little bits & pieces of me, of who I am, have… Continue reading Forgotten Dreams & Finding Myself Again

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

How I Ruined Election Night But Learned Something Valuable In The Process

We had been following The Election - you know, the one billed as the most important in decades - for months. Sifted thru dozens of mailings. Watched all the debates. Read article after article. Signed petition after petition. Seen hundreds of facebook postings about it. It had all come down to this moment. We were… Continue reading How I Ruined Election Night But Learned Something Valuable In The Process

Migraines, This Crazy Life, Venting!

A Kick In The Face

Warning: there will be foul words in this post. I don't use them often, but this is just the final straw. Venting ahead... As you, my friends, know, this Summer has been hell. Things got even "hotter" yesterday with the delivery of a letter from social security - and it wasn't the kind of letter… Continue reading A Kick In The Face

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines, This Crazy Life


For some time now, since the "protein wasting," also called muscle wasting, and unintentional, major weight loss started, two years ago or so, we've been refering to my overall health status as "precariously balanced." When I say "we," I don't just mean Rhiannon & I, but also, my doctors. We are a team, working collaboratively… Continue reading Teetering