
Wolfdreams: Return To Wildling

"WILDLING":  noun. a wild plant or animal, especially one transplanted into a cultivated spot. * I want to be wildling again; born of Earth & Sky, Rain & Wind, Tree & Rock. I want to feel the Silence in my Soul again. I have remembered who i am. * Creating Peace: a return to Symmetry;… Continue reading Wolfdreams: Return To Wildling


Wolfdreams: Caribou Comes

Caribou comes, his big feet plopping down softly in the snow. Caribou comes, looks at me with his deep brown eyes, full of compassion. Caribou comes, shakes his head, the mighty antlers, inviting me to ride. There is nothing but pain here, so I go with him. Climbing on Caribou, his back warm & softly… Continue reading Wolfdreams: Caribou Comes

Asperger's, This Crazy Life, Wolfdreams...

That Primal Urge, Neanderthals, & Spirits

(No, not THAT primal urge, another one!) I remember very little of my life. It's not like other people do. I remember little bits & pieces from here & there. Frozen vignettes. Still-lifes. Partly, I'm sure that's from the Lyme, etc. But not entirely. One thing I do remember clearly: as a child, standing in… Continue reading That Primal Urge, Neanderthals, & Spirits

Furry Family, Wolfdreams...


This is Cherokee. She was a Standardbred mare, tried on the track but too slow. One of the lucky ones - sold rather than simply put down for the "crime" of being too slow. This is my favorite picture of she & I, even though she doesn't look terribly attractive in it. No, it's a… Continue reading Cherokee