Health & ME/CFS

Still, Surreal, and Chocolate

I just hopped onto my blog searching for some info on my Lyrica dosage and weight, as I'm about to go see my LLMD/rheumatologist, whom I haven't seen in almost a year. While sorting through the mess in my room, asking myself why on Earth I don't actually file important info like my old labs… Continue reading Still, Surreal, and Chocolate

Just a note..., Venting!

I was going to call you tonight…

Mom, but you know, it just sucks to be me, sometimes. I was having a hard time waking up, so took some of my meds and laid back down, which I often do. Went back to sleep. Then the meds came back up in the most vile, burning burning fire bile I have ever experienced.… Continue reading I was going to call you tonight…

Furry Family, Just a note...

A note from Sunday…

Since Friday night I have been living in the horrible world of migraines. At one point last night, as the pain woke me up from sleep over and over, I would have sworn someone had come in and shot me through the left eyebrow. I'm awake now, if you can call it that, and just… Continue reading A note from Sunday…