Migraines, This Crazy Life, Venting!

A Kick In The Face

Warning: there will be foul words in this post. I don't use them often, but this is just the final straw. Venting ahead... As you, my friends, know, this Summer has been hell. Things got even "hotter" yesterday with the delivery of a letter from social security - and it wasn't the kind of letter… Continue reading A Kick In The Face

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

Guest Post: Rhiannon Tells It Like It Is – to the SSDI Appeals Council

Today I want to share something very special with you - a letter my daughter, Rhiannon, wrote to the Social Security Disability Appeals Council, about growing up with a sick mom, and the changes over the last couple of years. She has quite the voice, my daughter. by Rhiannon To whom it may concern: I… Continue reading Guest Post: Rhiannon Tells It Like It Is – to the SSDI Appeals Council

Health & ME/CFS

June 6th: Day of Visibility!

Today is the annual International Day of Visibility for people living with "invisible illness." Today is our day to be visible. To share our stories and help people understand, that just because you don't look sick, it doesn't mean you aren't. It's something I think about every time we go to town or do any… Continue reading June 6th: Day of Visibility!

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

In Which I Explain and Complain a Lot

There have been a number of questions friends have been asking that haven't gotten answered, so here goes, in no particular order: Disability: I have appealed my Disability rejection to the highest level in Social Security, about two months ago. They can take a long, long, time to rule on things, apparently - up to… Continue reading In Which I Explain and Complain a Lot