Health & ME/CFS

“Chronic. Fatigue. Syndrome. It’s An Illness.” – May 12: ME/CFS Awareness Day

I went to my PCP (that's Primary Care Provider for those who don't know) last week for my monthly visit, and a new nurse takes me back to the room. It went something like this... Her: "You're here for a follow-up for...?" Me: Chronic fatigue Syndrome. Her: Oh, fatigue. So you're tired a lot. (As… Continue reading “Chronic. Fatigue. Syndrome. It’s An Illness.” – May 12: ME/CFS Awareness Day

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

I Will NOT Go Quietly Into The Dark

In my last post, I said I wanted the fire, the passion, back in my life. Over the last few weeks, I've done a lot of deep thinking and reflecting, while struggling every day just to keep my ship from sinking. Well, I've come to some harsh realizations and conclusions, and I'm feeling pretty damn… Continue reading I Will NOT Go Quietly Into The Dark

Health & ME/CFS

2 Hours With ME, and Dysautonomia: May 12th, International ME/CFS Awareness Day

I called Rhiannon, a touch of panic in my tone of voice. I have screwed up. She made me a power smoothie before she left for shopping, and I drank it too fast. "I didn't even drink the whole thing, only half!" I explained. Now, the icy drink sits in my stomach, and its chill… Continue reading 2 Hours With ME, and Dysautonomia: May 12th, International ME/CFS Awareness Day

Ash's Advice, Health & ME/CFS

Ash’s Advice: Part 3 – On Doctors

Note: Ash's Advice is written by, me, Ash, a long-time patient with ME/CFS, FMS, Chronic Lyme, etc. I am not a doctor, and nothing written here should be construed as medical advice. These are simply my musings; a series of letters to my younger self, and to anyone suffering through the "living death" that is… Continue reading Ash’s Advice: Part 3 – On Doctors

Health & ME/CFS

We Know the Enemy, or ME/CFS/FMS Explained Again.

Wee little note - this is out of date. I started this blog in 2010, for my family for the most part. To help them understand my illness, and help me work out my thoughts on it and also other matters. Since 2010 I've learned a lot of things about the nature of my illness,… Continue reading We Know the Enemy, or ME/CFS/FMS Explained Again.

Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

The Harsh Reality of CFS

Note: On Monday I wrote three messages to my mother, in typical Aspie style - I held nothing back. I've clipped a bit here, but it's mostly intact. I'm posting it here in case you want to know what it's really like. Be forewarned: my mother spent two days in the hospital after reading this… Continue reading The Harsh Reality of CFS