Health & ME/CFS

Valcyte for ME/CFS: 2nd Anniversary Recap!

I recently hit the 2 year anniversary since I started taking Valcyte for my ME/CFS. The post I wrote detailing my decision to start on Valcyte, a pretty risky drug as drugs go, is still one of the most visited posts on my blog. That post was written Feb. 10, 2011: Valcyte: The (Slightly) Scary… Continue reading Valcyte for ME/CFS: 2nd Anniversary Recap!

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

And Then, Everything Changed, Part 1

The last 6 weeks or so have seen some massive changes happen in my life, some for the better, some for the (much) worse. I had planned a nice long post detailing the adrenal exhaustion, stage 3, I was diagnosed with, and how that is so common in my fellow ME/CFS patients, but since I'm… Continue reading And Then, Everything Changed, Part 1

Health & ME/CFS

Risky Decisions, or, Valcyte: the Very Scary Adventure Ends

I've had the great blessing to meet (online) a lot of ME/CFS and Lyme/TBD (Tick-Borne Disease) patients. Many have become friends. I believe, taken as a whole, that this patient group has got to be the most medically-literate patient group around. We have to be. There are few doctors who have a clue what these… Continue reading Risky Decisions, or, Valcyte: the Very Scary Adventure Ends

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

June: Tumultuous Times

Life with CFS/FMS/chronic Lyme and other Neuro-Immune Diseases tends to eventually become incredibly boring, as your health declines steadily, more problems erupt, and you find yourself confined more and more often to bed, isolated, in pain, sick & tired.  Memories fade, the months become years, and pass in a haze of misery. But sometimes, things… Continue reading June: Tumultuous Times

Furry Family, Health & ME/CFS

Dog. Dog. Shoulder. Dog…

My brain has been running in endless circles. Dog. Dog. Shoulder. Dog. Dog. Ouch that shoulder really hurts! Dog. Dog. I have GOT to see a doctor. What doctor? Dog. Dog... you get the idea. Our new family member is still up in the air. There have been hours of discussion. Both dogs have been… Continue reading Dog. Dog. Shoulder. Dog…