Health & ME/CFS, Migraines

In Which I Explain and Complain a Lot

There have been a number of questions friends have been asking that haven't gotten answered, so here goes, in no particular order: Disability: I have appealed my Disability rejection to the highest level in Social Security, about two months ago. They can take a long, long, time to rule on things, apparently - up to… Continue reading In Which I Explain and Complain a Lot

Ash's Advice, Health & ME/CFS

Ash’s Advice: Part One of Many To Come

Recently, friends have suggested that though I may be sick in body, I'm still a good writer, and that maybe through my writing I could find a way to help other people, especially other women, who are going through the trials and tribulations of chronic illness, whether it's called: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Myalgic Encephalomyelitis… Continue reading Ash’s Advice: Part One of Many To Come

Health & ME/CFS

Valcyte: The (Slightly) Scary Adventure Begins

(Interested in how this adventure turned out? See my 2nd anniversary recap to find out!) Yesterday evening, I picked up my prescription for a new medication, Valcyte. Valcyte is an anti-viral, similar to Valtrex, which I've taken for years. Both are effective against all the viruses in the Herpes family, and there are a lot… Continue reading Valcyte: The (Slightly) Scary Adventure Begins

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

Counting the Blessings of 2010

This Christmas Eve, I'm counting my blessings - these are the gifts I've received this year: My mother became very ill, but is thankfully recovered from her two hospitalizations and surgery, and is getting her heart issues sorted out. I'd be lost without her, so I'm so glad she's still around! And, in the process… Continue reading Counting the Blessings of 2010