This Crazy Life

On Mourning

I was doing it wrong, and I knew it. It was one year ago today, my mom had just died, but I wasn't crying. "Something's wrong with me," I confided, oh so quietly, to those closest to me, a week later. They assured me there was no right way, no wrong way, to grieve. That… Continue reading On Mourning

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

“How Do You Do It?”

"How do you do it?" she asked. "Just how do you manage to keep it together in spite of how miserably sick you often are? It is just so hard to keep doing this, you know?" It is a question I get asked often, and there are a number of answers. First, a rundown of… Continue reading “How Do You Do It?”

Health & ME/CFS, This Crazy Life

June: Tumultuous Times

Life with CFS/FMS/chronic Lyme and other Neuro-Immune Diseases tends to eventually become incredibly boring, as your health declines steadily, more problems erupt, and you find yourself confined more and more often to bed, isolated, in pain, sick & tired.  Memories fade, the months become years, and pass in a haze of misery. But sometimes, things… Continue reading June: Tumultuous Times